William C. Burkett

Resumé / Professional Biography

Professional Objectives


  • Design, implement and manage an enterprise-wide application system interoperability capability.
  • Develop, implement, and cultivate of semantic integration techniques and technologies to foster and promote enterprise application collaboration and interoperability.
  • Apply data modelling, data mapping, data semantics and ontology design techniques to support the analysis, reconciliation, harmonization, and integration of enterprise databases and data assets to enable data-level system interoperability.


  • Research and technology development in the field of data modelling, data mapping, data semantics and ontology design to support enterprise application collaboration and interoperability.
  • Develop a semantically robust and scalable theory of information integration and lead a software engineering effort to test and evaluate the theory through prototype development.
  • Establish a new field of engineering research and practice that incorporates and applies linguistic, social, and psycho-philosophical theories and principles to semantic data-based application interoperability.

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Last updated January, 2008
all content ©1996-2008 william c. burkett

PLCS DEX Resume STEP ISO 10303 XML OWL RDF RDFS Semantic Web IEEE SUO XSLT PDML IGES Data Exchange XML Schema PDES EXPRESS Integration Data Information Interoperability Application Interoperability Application Integration Semantics Semantic Interoperability Semantic Web Taxonomy Ontology Ontologies Data Modeling Data Modelling Conceptual Modeling Conceptual Modelling Activity Modeling Activity Modelling IDEF1X IDEF0 PDDI NIAM ORM Entity Relationship Knowledge Representation Knowledge Engineering Enterprise Application Integration A2A B2B Data Standards Consortia Consortium Standard for Exchange of Product model data ISO TC184/SC4 Research Software Engineering CAD CAM CAD/CAM CIM HTML ebXML PDES SQL OASIS Federated Databases IDEF3 Data Warehouse Data Mart EAI EER UML MOF XMI UDDI EDI RDF FEA SRM eCommerce e-Commerce